Coyote Creek Elementary
2024/2025 Nut Restriction Policy
We have several students at CCE who have life threatening allergies to nuts and/or peanuts. To ensure the safety of all students we serve, we ask that peanut products or nuts not be brought for classroom snacks. (This would include walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, etc, and of course, peanut butter and nut butters.) These products are only allowed in the lunch room during grade level lunches.
While in the lunchroom:
Students will sit at identified tables that are either nut restricted or allow nuts
The same identified tables are used each day for nut restriction to ensure safety
The towels used to clean tables after each lunch will be separate for the nut restricted tables
Students eating food containing nuts will wash their hands before returning to the classroom
If a student without a nut restriction would like to join a friend at the nut restricted table, they must bring or purchase a nut free lunch.
In celebrating birthdays, Coyote Creek does not allow students to bring treats to share with their class. We celebrate birthdays by announcing students names over the intercom, and they will get a pencil from the principal. We do have celebrations for holidays that include food and parents send in goodies but we strive to limit all products that contain nuts or are manufactured in a facility that contain nuts when having these classroom celebrations, not all labeling is consistent and it is possible that some products with nuts may enter the classroom. Additionally, no home baked goods are allowed in classroom celebrations. All staff makes every effort to limit this from happening.
For snacks in the classroom, we encourage bringing fruit, veggies, goldfish, cheese sticks, or other healthy snacks. All students are told they are not allowed to share food at any time. Nutrition services does its best to assure that no products are offered for purchase in the lunchroom that are made in a nut facility, however, there is no perfect, absolute system. Please refer to the district lunch menu (below) each day to see what is offered.
Lunchroom aides will ensure that students with nut products are sitting at the identified tables and nut restricted students will choose the appropriate table for their seating. Please be sure to talk to your children about where they should sit each day if they are bringing a nut product or if they should be at a restricted table.
If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call the office. We are here to support all kids in their needs.
Updated 07/01/24